Friday, 2 May 2014

Dendrobium primulinum

Dendrobium primulinum Lindley 1858 SECTION Dendrobium


Synonyms: The Primrose Yellow Dendrobium

Distribution & Occurrence:

Indian sub continent to Malay Peninsula found at elevations of 500 to 1000 meters.

The Plant

Large sized warm to cool growing epiphyte with pendulous stems with a white sheaths

Blooms after a deciduous winter spell on a short Inflorescence with 1-2 fragrant flowers that arise on the leaf less cane.

Flowers once year during early spring and flower lasts a month

Cultural Requirements and Nutrition

Grow in bright light (atleast 3-4 hours of direct sunlight). Prefers to be mounted. It requires cooler nights for it to initiate blooming. Fertilize and water copiously during growth stage and stop watering/fertilizing once it starts dropping leaves around month of December

Pest and Diseases

No specific pests or disease


Extensively used as pollen as well as seed parent.

Bloomed in Apr 2014

Bloomed in March 2015

Dendrobium macrostachyum

Dendrobium macrostachyum Lindl. 1830 SECTION Dendrobium


Synonyms: The Large Inflorescence Dendrobium

Distribution & Occurrence:

Indian subcontinent to Malay peninsula .

The Plant

Small to medium sized hot growing epiphyte with thin pendulous stems carrying thin deciduous leaves which blooms on the nodes of the leafless stems during late spring

Flowers once year during early or spring to mid summer fall and flower lasts a few months

Tender leaf tip juice is used for treating ear infection

Cultural Requirements and Nutrition

Grow in bright light and in a semi-hydroponic method on a recycled cola bottle. Water and fertilize during the active growth and stop water and fertilizing when it starts to drop the leaves around December.

Pest and Diseases

No specific pests or disease


Only 2 hybrids registered, Not used in hybrids.

Bloomed in Apr 2014

Some Dendrobium NOID I bought in Apr 2014

Very impressive size of the pseudobulbs made me buy these

Seidenfadenia mitrata

Seidenfadenia mitrata [Rchb.f]Garay 1972


Synonyms: The Bishop Mitre Seidenfadenia

Distribution & Occurrence:

Burma and Thailand at elevations of 100 to 1100 meters.

The Plant

This is a small, hot to warm growing monopodial epiphyte. The leaves are pendent and semi-terete 

Inflorescence is erect and arises from the base of the plant. Each inflorescence carries 20-40 flowers and are very fragrant

Flowers once year during early spring and flower lasts a month

Cultural Requirements and Nutrition

Grow in bright light similar to Vanda. Prefers to be mounted. Water every day and fertilize every week throughout the year.

Pest and Diseases

No specific pests or disease


About a dozen hybrids are registered with seed or pollen parent.

Bloomed in Apr 2014

Dendrobium chrysotoxum

Dendrobium chrysotoxum Lindley 1847 SECTION Callista


Synonyms: Golden Bow Dendrobium or Fried Egg Dendrobium

Distribution & Occurrence:

North eastern states of India, Burma, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand.

The Plant

Relatively small sized (6-30 cm pesudobulbs) cool to warm growing Dendrobium found at elevations of 700 Meters to 1100 Meters. The pseudobulbs are narrow at the base and swollen in the middle and tapered at the tip. Pseudobulbs are rigid and covered with white membranous sheaths. Older pseudobulbs are yellow in color and the new pseudobulbs are light green in color. The inflorescence arises from nodes near the apex of the pseudo bulbs.

Inflorescence is attractive, arching and compact with each inflorescence carrying 10-15 flowers

Flowers once year during early or late fall and flower lasts a week or two. The flowers are fragrant with a fragrance of honey

Stems of Dendrobium chrysotoxum are used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for loss of appetite with nausea. Dried flowers are consumed as tea for good health.

Cultural Requirements and Nutrition

Grow in light shade and is mounted on a piece of salvaged teak wood. Water the mounted plants daily and fertilize it once week during their growing period and water them once in 2-3 days in winter with no fertilization during winter. There is no true winter dormancy nor deciduous.

Pest and Diseases

Red spider mites


Extensively used as pollen as well as seed parent.

Bloomed in Apr 2014