Sunday, 1 December 2013

Catasetum Penang Red

Catasetum Penang Red 

Catasetum Penang Red is a hybrid (Catasetum Susan Fuchs X Catasetum pileatum)

Synonyms: None

Distribution & Occurrence:

Low lands of South and central America and grows on trunks of dead trees

The Plant

Plant is deciduous and has strict growth and resting periods that last 2-3 months. Resting period is initiated post the flowering and should not be watered during the resting period. Watering during the resting period would rot the pseudo bulbs. Plant could be occasionally watered if the pseudo bulbs are shriveled.

Plants could be grown in semi shade or part sunny location on a fast draining medium.

Plant has different male and female flowers and each plant usually produces male or female flowers in a season based on environment. Male and female flowers look different . Flowers are waxy and very fascinating. Male flowers are equipped with a antenna like trigger device attached to the column and when an unsuspecting insect bumps into the flower, the trigger throws pollen on the insect

Flowers usually once a year before its resting period. Flowers lasts only a week or two

Cultural Requirements and Nutrition

Do not water or fertilize during the resting period and water and heavily fertilize during the growth phase in spring. Start with a high nitrogen formula (30-10-10) for the first 3 months and change to a equal or higher bloom formula (10-30-20) after 3-4 months of active growth.

Plant could be grown on a potting mix made out of wood shavings simulating their natural environment where they grow on rotting wood

I am growing this orchid in a plastic pot with coco chips and charcoal mix. I weakly weekly fertilize during their active growth and stop watering and fertilizing when the orchid sheds all its leaves and resume watering and fertilizing once the new shoots appear.

Pest and Diseases

Prone to Snails, insect and spider mite attacks

Attaching photo of bloom in Oct  2013

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