Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Cattleya amethystoglossa

Cattleya amethystoglossa Linden & Rchb. f. ex Warner 1862

Synonyms: Amethyst Lipped Cattleya

Distribution & Occurrence:

Found in regions of Brazil,

The Plant

Large sized, cool to warm growing bi-foliate epiphyte cattleya. Likes to grow in full sun with lot of warmth and humidity. The pesudobulbs are tall and cylindrical carrying 2 apical leaves. The leaves are leathery. The pesudobulbs can grow up to 3 feet. This species blooms in fall, winter & early spring with a terminal inflorescence with multiple flowers.

Flowers are fragrant with white or pale rose with rose or magenta spotting

Flowers once a year

Cultural Requirements and Nutrition

Species needs ample light, water and fertilizer during growth phase and a definite rest during dormancy.

Prefers a fast draining mix. I grow them on a mix of coco chips 30% & charcoal 70%

Water & fertilize once a week and reduce watering during winter

I am growing this orchid in a plastic pot with coco chips and charcoal mix. I weakly weekly fertilize through out the year. It is growing in a bright location and receives direct sunlight for a 4-5 hours in a day.

Pest and Diseases

No specific pests


Heavily used in hybrids as pollen parent and pod parent

it  bloomed in Dec 2013

spike damaged in Apr 2014

thrip attack on a single bud in July 2014

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